Sunday, 29 March 2020

UPDATE from Tattered Rose

During the shutdown of our brick and mortar store, we are trying really hard to stay the course until we can open again and things can get back to some sense of normalcy.

It seems inappropriate, somehow, to be talking about our shop or selling goods while the world is in utter chaos and shutdown....but this isn't about being insensitive to what is happening in the world due to the devastation of COVID-19.

It IS about the possibility that my store, my hopes, dreams and only source of income may not survive this storm. This is personal; it's not merely about business. I have always maintained that motto, way before the Corona virus......that Tattered Rose is about connecting with people, helping them, and making friends along the way. 

While I DO need to make a living, it is the personal aspect of my shop that means the most to me...always has, hopefully, always will. I miss my customers and friends more than I can say.

Please understand that if I post pictures of clothing and other items I have for sale at Tattered Rose, I am just doing my best to stay motivated and encouraged. I have do do something, or at least go down fighting until the Universe tells me it's time to let it go.

I truly hope it doesn't come to that because I would make a terrible employee after all these years of working for myself.

Sending prayers and caring thoughts to everyone in the world. We are in this together, even though some may be suffering more than others. Stay safe by staying home as much as possible.

See you on the other side if that's what is meant to be.

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