...when the signs of Fall are too hard to ignore because it IS officially Fall. Leaves turning colour and/or falling, a nip in the air in the morning and the desire for us die-hard lovers of clothing to wear layers once again.
This Fall, there are no rules for dressing (as far as we are concerned) We love the idea of wearing what you like and being comfortable in your clothing.
So if you love wearing black, now is the time to wear it and not have so many questions thrown at you about how you can wear black in the summer....aren't you hot?
Of course, we have many other colours in the shop (as always) from green to brown, grey, burgundy, red, blue and even purple. Curated for our customers in an eclectic collection of wearable items and outfits.
Store hours are easy:
Wed to Sat 11 am to 3 pm (or by appointment)
We may be contacted on the store phone (780) 488-1200
or on our Instagram account by message: