Many of you may recall the period of the early 1990's called
"Grunge". Although grunge originated as a music & style movement in
Seattle in the early 90's, it was Marc Jacobs' 1993 collection that
made it famous & fabulous, in my humble opinion.
He sent
models down the runway in long floral print dresses worn as dusters over
jeans and mixed with plaids and other patterns & elements that had
never been shown together quite that way before.
The thing that I fell in love with most
was the juxtaposition of the combat block heel boots worn with maxi
floral print dusters and dresses. That pairing seemed to bring a playful
note to the often feminine dresses....the mix of pretty with rugged
that has always captured my heart & imagination.
It was the way I dressed when I lived in the country with my own style that mixed farmgirl with boyfriend, only there
was no such thing back then (in the dark ages) I just wanted to dress
differently from the rest so for me to wear work boots with a long dress
and long johns was the norm. It got attention from many of my friends
who laughed at me but then who copied my style the next year. By then, I
had changed things up a bit because I really had to be different.
Middle children often have to find their own way of being noticed and
for me, it was the clothes I wore and my sense of humour.
forward to the 1990's when it was an epiphany of sorts....more like Déjà
vu (already seen) because THIS was my style before I ever heard of
grunge or Marc Jacobs or Nirvana (the band) It was a welcome home kind
of feeling that I embraced then and have worn some version of ever
since. It is my vibe and I share this with some of our customers who
love to dress this way, even if they don't call it "grunge" it is
definitely romantic.
Elements of Grunge are present in Tattered
Rose and it seems that this way of dressing is "back" in fashion. Boots
like the ones shown here (available at Tattered Rose) when worn with a
ruffled floral & lace maxi dresses, skirts or dusters evoke the
spirit of a who always prefers to follow her own path.
So for those of you who love the style of romantic, grunge, gypsy, Victorian farmgirl....Tattered Rose has you covered. We are calling this style "Grunge Nouveau" because it is a modified version of the grunge style of the past....meant to suit our customers of today.