Wednesday, 14 December 2016

Tattered Rose Loves Knitwear!

A sort of haiku:

So, this is where the "urban" part comes in. This knitted poncho/scarf. Cozy & modern....and urban.
Tattered Rose is eclectic but not everything has ruffles.
Ruffles are good, great even but not everyone wants to wear them.
We have plenty of non-ruffled clothing to choose from. In fact, we probably have 10 times as much clothing that isn't ruffled than is.
I still love ruffles though.
And lace.
Oh, and velvet!

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Holiday Hours

Wishing everyone a safe & happy holiday season.

Tattered Rose

Sunday, 11 December 2016

Tattered Rose is everywhere!

We have this blog and we've been on Facebook for a while....but we are also on Twitter and Instagram (finally!)

Please follow us for the latest from Tattered Rose:


Friday, 2 December 2016

Farmgirl on the Prairies

Once upon a time there was a farmgirl. Aside from her obvious love for her family and friends, she also loved fudge, clothing, and animals, especially cats and horses and grew up knowing she would never be rich.

She would instead be one of those creative people who liked having money but loved following their heart more. The dream of one day owning her own shop where she carried the most delectable clothing & jewellery would lead her down paths she had only imagined.....just not down the path of early retirement.

Yep, this is the owner of Tattered Rose, and while she carries things like sparkly jewels & long velvet evening type dresses and coats, there is certainly more than a hint of farmgirl in every corner of the shop.

#gifts #romanticclothing #edmontonboutiques

The Place to Be!

You never know what any given day will bring. That is why it is very important not to look back, but to enjoy the in the moment, with the belief that something wonderful is about to happen.
That's how dreamers do it.

#bestshoppinginedmonton #shopsinedmonton #edmontonshopping #wheretoshopinedmonton #edmontonwomensboutiques

Thursday, 1 December 2016

Tattered Rose Couture

we have our own version of "couture"....not to scary or expensive. Something you can wear in real life and not just on a runway in paris
#edmontonshopping #bestedmontonshopping #edmontonboutiques


Surprise mini sale at Tattered Rose additional 20% off items already marked down on the sale rack, including Sympli the Best!

Mr. Kitty thinks this is a gr-r-r-r-eat idea!