Saturday, 1 February 2025

Tattered Rose

Oh my goodness!

It must be the shabby princess in me.....influenced forever by my Dad, who grew up during the depression.

He had mended work clothes instead of buying new. He always bought used vehicles. He was frugal and careful with his money all his life.

He taught us to not buy anything we didn't need or have the cash for (that one I only learned later in life, after I was done rebelling this way of living)

For the longest time, he didn't allow store bought baked goods or other junk food in the house.

All of that about him sunk into my heart and mind.

So, if I show pictures of shabby, tattered things, this is where it comes from.

And now that I think of it, even the name of my shop, Tattered Rose, is a combination of my Dad (tattered) and my Mom (rose).  

Sunday, 5 January 2025

Isn't it Romantic?


Spring 2025 promises to be another one steeped in romance. There will be soft fabrics and colours alongside the darker romantic colours (like black) that many of us like to wear.

It is nice to have something to look forward to when the world around us seems to be so chaotic. We can control our own little corner of the world and that can include bringing beauty into it.

New items and new ways of putting outfits together will be evident at Tattered Rose soon.........stay tuned.

Wednesday, 1 January 2025

Welcome 2025


Welcome 2025. 

I personally do not believe in making "resolutions", as such because they are too easily broken.

This new year, I decided to quietly, without announcing anything, make a few casual promises to myself. These promises are at the forefront of my mind and are easy to remember because they are simple and flexible. In other words, if I don't manage to keep them 100% I will just quietly keep trying to abide by the changes I wish to see for myself and for Tattered Rose.

It is a new year, full of promise and possibilities. I intend to make the most of it and I invite you to do the same.....if you wish. You might have your own ideas and that is OK too.

Happy New Year to all of my customers and friends. It's going to be a great year!