Saturday, 4 February 2023

Does anyone read our blog anymore? WE HAVE BIG NEWS!


For the last few years, we have been hinting at some big changes coming to Tattered Rose. We tried really hard to continue to make things work in our current space in Edmonton but...

Well, we can finally tell you the BIG NEWS because it has finally come to fruition. After much soul searching and mind-bending consideration, we have decided that the only thing we can do is move the store. We won't go into detail since that would serve no purpose except to litter our blog with negativity. Suffice it to say, we need to go where we are treated with respect, fairness and honesty, as far as landlords go. Period. (Our regular customers know the inside scoop here)

Anyway, we are looking at this move as an exciting adventure! Our new space will be welcoming and enchanting in a hometown, old world shabby romantic way. We will not have the walk by foot traffic of our current downtown Edmonton location but we are hoping that our customers will follow us. to St. Albert, where we hope to be located as of late summer this year.

Please stay tuned for updates.