I know I am not alone in wearing mostly black clothing.....often to the confusion of some of my friends/family who prefer brighter or lighter colours.
"Why don't you wear some colour?" or "Why are you always wearing black?" they might ask...or think. Yes, I can hear their thoughts as they peruse my head-to-toe outfit of black with their eyes.
Because in wearing black (or dark grey) I feel safe and almost incognito.
Because when I choose to wear dark colours, I can just be me.
Because black goes anywhere....from work to evenings out.
Because dark colours like black are just easier.
Because I love black and grey...not just in my clothing but also my cats, my vehicle and my footwear.
I admire those who wear colour like they own their space. They are confident and brave. They light up the world and usually have an engaging personality to match.
My bravery and confidence comes and goes.....wearing black balances everything out for me. It is consistent and never disappoints. Sometimes I am outgoing and fun but there's the other side too...the quiet, introspective nature of my personality. Dark colours like black suit that.
Luckily, Tattered Rose has lots of colour, from muted to almost bright. Never garish bright. Just pretty bright.
Luckily as well...we have lots of dark and black clothing for those who wish to express themselves that way....me included.
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