Wednesday 24 April 2019

A Little Bit of Happiness

Most of us are aware of the world around us...some of it very sad and difficult. But the optimist likes to think that even when things are darkest, there is some measure of happiness to be found, and often in the most simple things....

-coffee with a friend
-a hug from someone in your life
-a smile from a stranger
-hearing the birds sing again after a long winter
-doing yard work for the first time ever!
-feeling the warmth of the sun on your face
-tuning into a t.v. channel just when one of your favourite movies is beginning
-reading a book and being quietly kept company by all three of your cats 
-buying a new something to wear the next time you are feeling a bit down
-hearing from a long lost friend via text or phone
-hearing a song you love while driving to work

We all need to find our own measure of happiness in this world to keep going. May you find what makes your heart happy, even if for a little while.

Take time to appreciate all that you do have in your life.


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