Friday 2 October 2015

Another "Flood" in the Store....a little chaos in my life.

I can talk about it now but last week when we had yet another "flood" in the store, I wanted to run away and join the Army....or at least go for a nice long nap and never return to my store. This was the 11th flood I have had in all of my store locations over the years and marks the second large one in this loaction!

You see, we are located at the base of a condominium building and it is old and things are starting to fail, like the pipes, for example. Just this past month, there have been 3 separate water incidents to deal with and this was the last straw, if you know what I mean.

I was in the middle of helping two lovely customers find outfits and items to wear when I suddenly felt a few drops of water fall on my head.  I thought I was imagining it but then it started to come down much more profusely, including on my customers as they were walking around finding more things to try on.  They were such good sports and even helped me move things out of the centre of the store where the water was pouring in the most. I had called the building manager during this time and within 10 minutes, there were drop cloths and buckets all over my floor to catch some of the water. What a mess!

I was frantic but had to try and appear calm and professional while I rang up my customers' purchases. I was about to close the store so I could concentrate on moving things again because the water was now coming in all over the place....when a regular customer came in to have a look at the sale rack.  I felt so bad that there was such chaos but she stepped over the water and buckets and headed back to the sale area.

For the rest of the afternoon, I moved buckets around, placed what fabric I had to soak up the water that was making it's way towards the walls and racks, all the while trying not to cry. It's amazing how your brain can know you are an adult in situations like this but the little kid in you just wants to cry out for Mommy. Of course, my Mom has gone to other side (in 2007) so I couldn't really ask for her to help me...or maybe I did. It's all a blur.

I did have the foresight to take some pictures and videos, however.  As I was going through the gallery of images on my phone, I came across this one (above) where the sign reads "laugh and sing".  I guess I did a bit of that too that day (minus the singing) because what else can you do in a situation like this besides cry?

Anyway, I am happy to report that I cleaned up the following day and the store is back to it's beautiful self, ready for Fall and more new arrivals in the shop....and ready for you!

Life is good♥


  1. Oh no!!! Not another flood �� I'm so sorry.
    You have such an amazing attitude and a stregnth & resiliency to be imitated!
    Sending you much love,
